Public Art on Google Maps

Public Art on Google Maps
My recent public art on Google Maps – Brookline, MA

Well, that was quick – my public art is now on Google Maps. I got this commission from the Town of Brookline over the winter of 2024. It’s a part of their initiative to fill the town with public art by developing murals, painting large sculptures of turkeys (the town’s official animal – yes, there are a lot of wild turkeys in the urban areas of Boston), and utility boxes. I got one of the utility boxes to paint, specifically the one at 174 Harvard St.

It’s funny, because you’ll see in the picture that I was looking up the address and got it wrong by one building. The town wanted some information from me to put me on their website, and I couldn’t remember the exact address. Upon looking it up, maybe seven months after I completed the commission, Google had already gone by and documented my new work. Well, I’m not sure if they wanted to document my work, per se, but it is a bit odd they’d want to update the street considering it probably hasn’t changed much in a century. So I think I’ll just go with them wanting to update to put my art in it. After all, they need to do some good in this world, right?