At the Museu Guido Viaro (photo by Nivea Bona)
The exhibit ended at the Museu Guido Viaro on May 10, 2014, and it was a success for a couple of reasons. One is that I now have two paintings no longer in my possession. Barcelona Rooftops sold to a private collector and Cidade à Noite became a part of the museum’s permanent collection. The owner of the museum, Guido Viaro (the grandson of the Brazilian painter of the same name for whom the museum is dedicated to), has been gracious enough with his time to introduce me to various galleries across Curitiba, as well. My exposure was good and I’m happy with the results. Opening night saw more people come than any other opener I’ve done, and it wasn’t just friends and family either, but a slew of people in the art community who I’ve never met before. Of course this is good as now more people have had the opportunity to see my work and spread the word.
I feel great about selling the one piece, too, especially since I don’t know who bought it. The collector wished not to be named. If you think buying art doesn’t make a difference, well, that painting paid rent for a month. It’s funny how things change.
Thanks to all who came, helped, and participated. There’s only one direction to go now, and that’s straight up.