Greg Mason Burns


After Hanging the Paintings

Excited for my first event, I decided grab a few pics after hanging the paintings. I’m looking forward to it. Today I went back to sign a few more paintings knowing that they’d be drier than when I hung them. Later this week we’ll put up the labels, prices, information, etc.[/caption] This is my first exhibit in a restaurant, and I’m grateful for the opportunity. I’ve worked hard to get these first paintings done. I’m self-taught as an artist, so I’ve had to learn everything from scratch: from how oil mixes with the white background, to how to apply different

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Sometimes You Gotta Fly

Like so much in this world, there are a million things I don’t know anything about. I’m struggling now, and I know it will kill me the next few days until I turn it around; and then I’ll find myself melting into a pool of gold, smiling, laughing, crying, grateful, sticky. Sometimes you gotta fly. I have no expectations, and probably even fewer skills. Sometimes I wonder if I even have the drive, passion, or heart. Other times, I weep with my luck and pray for the best of times to continue. I hope, I wish, I pray, even if I

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