Greg Mason Burns


Interview on Gazeta do Povo

English: I was recently interviewed on TV for eParaná´s program Cultura. Now I have an interview with Paraná´s largest newspaper, Gazeta do Povo. I´m happy with this interview, too. It was very well done. Both the journalist and cameraman were beyond professional and thorough. I hope you enjoy it. The video doesn’t seem to be on the website anymore, unfortunately. However, the written interview on Gazeta do Povo is still there. The project I was working on at the time was oil-pastel-on-glass, and for this interview I did a quick drawing of castenholas, which was a part of a flamenco

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Remembering your values

Remembering your values isn’t always easy to do. Ever had a bad day as an artist? Ever wondered where the next commission will come from? The next sale? The next print sale? Ever wonder if it’s worth sticking with it and heading back out to the “real” world? I’ve been on both sides, and being an artist is easily the best thing for me. I know this in my heart. But here’s the thing, it’s not always easy to do it. One needs to remember why one is doing it, and sometimes it’s easy to forget. I had one of

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Ainda Vida – Uma exposição de natureza morta – Hacienda Cafe, Curitiba

Due to most of the attendees being Portuguese-only speakers, this post is in Portuguese. You can always translate it (albeit not that great) at agradecer a todos aqueles que participaram da minha mais recente exposição de pinturas de natureza morta. Fiquei muito feliz em ver aqueles que vieram, e eu aprecio o apoio que vocês deram. Um agradecimento especial a Arlete e Genésio. A exposição vai até o final de agosto. Hacienda está aberto de segunda a sexta-feira, das 12h as 22h (ou mais tarde). Back to English: one of the cool things I got out of this was that

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Painting is easy when you don’t know how…

I decided on a new project to paint the streets of Curitiba, Brasil. I’m not choosing streets based on their fame or beauty, but more on their composition. I guess that’s beauty in the end, and I’m not sure what it means that many of the streets I chose ended up being smack dab in the middle of the favelas here, but either way it says something about how I choose objects. For example, I have a long-term project to document flamenco, but I’m not interested in painting a dancer, musician, or singer on stage. I’m much more interested in

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Never Stop Loving What You Love To Do

Just let it keep filling up your wall, and your life, and your love and good things will come. The first is happiness. I can attest to that for sure. I am in love, and yet, I am still so new to the game that I know I still have a lifetime more to learn, to do, and to enjoy. Everyone has something that they love to do. Many people have something that they would love to do more if they had more time, more money, more of whatever it is they don’t have that prevents them from doing it.

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First Exhibition Success!

Two months ago I was eating at a restaurant with empty walls and thought, “I wonder if I could hang some paintings here.” We talked with the owner and he agreed. Last night was the night, and 30 friends and family joined together to help me celebrate my first exhibition. To say that it was a success is an understatement. I thought that maybe I´d sell one painting, two if I was lucky. In the end, I sold four and had two inquiries about future commissions. Not bad for a first exhibition. It may be needless, but I´m going to

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