Greg Mason Burns


Operation Frame on Kickstarter a Success…Thanks!

So recently my Kickstarter project, Operation Frame, finished. It was my first Kickstarter campaign, or any fundraising campaign for that matter, and it was a success. I was trying to raise $500 to help pay for frames for my exhibit in February, 2014. My purpose for raising the money was really because I didn’t have enough money to frame the small paintings (all about 20 x 40 cm or slightly smaller) that I’d be exhibiting. If I didn’t raise the money then I wouldn’t have been able to exhibit the paintings with a professional look.As it turns out, I was

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Mimicking is the Sincerest Form of Flattery

So I was recently mimicked for what I believe is the first time in my artistic career. At the very least I discovered someone mimicking me publicly for the first time, and I think this is a good thing. First of all, he gave me full credit (again, publicly) without me asking, so I’m grateful for that, too. Secondly, I’m honored by this.I first discovered Joseph Hawkin’s piece in a contest on the website Fine Art America. I enter contests there just to gain extra exposure, and I often go on to the contests that I participate in to vote

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Nova Documentary on New Artists

I saw a recent documentary by Nova on some of today’s young artists (New Art and the Young Artists behind it). The artists made some interesting comments about what it takes to be an artist in today’s world. Tofer Chin said he thinks its about 50-50 quality of art to marketing. I agree with him, and it’s not easy to be a marketer when you just want to focus on the art. I guess this is the world we live in, though. I’ve often thought about making murals. I’ve never really seen my work as mural-material, but that’s mostly because

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Kickstarter Project Launch

A happy day today, as I begin my first ever Kickstarter project. The name of this project is Operation: Frame and its purpose is to help raise funds to frame paintings for my exhibit in February in Curitiba, Brasil. You can see the project here: What is Kickstarter? It’s the world’s largest crowd-funding website that helps creatives find the necessary funding to finish projects. I’ve supported three projects thus far (two movies and a book) and I’m sure I’ll support more going forward. Why support a Kickstarter project? Simply put there lots of great ideas and creative people in this

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Art and Medicine

Art and medicine are linked in ways we might not have expected. I’m excited to share this Dupont-Corian article because it could save everyone money.  According to the research published by Upali Nanda, Director of Research, American Art Resources, one study pitted a Van Gogh painting, A Pollock painting, and a landscape photo. The article states, “When the patient’s medication use was charted, it was found that in contrast to the control group, the patients consumed slightly more medication while looking at Pollock’s abstract work, suggesting that the art had made them anxious.” The article also suggests that the cost

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Art Motivates and Can Help You Make Better Financial Decisions

I live in Brasil and recently had to do a presentation in my Portuguese class. The assignment was to create an argument that would convince the rest of the class that my side was best. Since I’m an artist, I chose a topic regarding why art motivates and can help You make better financial decisions. There is a lot of research out there that shows why art is good for you, and it isn’t just because it’s beautiful or anything like that. It’s because art sends messages to our subconscious that cause us to react. But it isn’t just prints

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