Greg Mason Burns


Instruction: Step-by-Step Watercolor Painting has some nice step-by-step watercolor painting processes on how to paint specific paintings. I chose this Mediterranean Beach Scene by Allan Kirk to post here. He has a nice way of building up the painting. Although while I use much lighter washes than he does in the beginning, the technique is the same. I hope you enjoy this lesson by Allan Kirk. I do things a bit differently these days. For one, I start with light washes and build up over time, darkening the areas that need more shadows. However, I’ve also developed a quick technique for doing small

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Material of the Month: Watercolor Paint

This is the first post of what I hope to be will be a “Material of the Month” string of posts. I’m a painter, and I’m also self-taught, so I see this series as a sort of informal education for me as well. This month I’m working with watercolor paint, which is something I’ve been getting into more this year. I began my career as an oil painter, and I still consider oil to be my main focus. However, I really enjoy working with watercolor because of its transparency. This is one of the themes of my work, but I

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Art Transcending Science

  This article by author Amy Kelly suggests that art and science have developed together over time, despite having opposite functions.Published by the University of Wisconsin La Crosse, the article suggests that art and sciences have long been linked. This is true even in the 20th century where it is rare to find people participating wholly in both areas. After all, art is supposedly more emotional while science is supposedly more logical. This is in spite of the fact that many artists create logic-based art (M.C. Escher, for example). Of course, many scientists make discoveries based on intuition (such as

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The Precise Moment Impressionism Began

I know, the title is crazy, but someone out there decided to try to find the precise moment impressionism began. Astrophysicist Donald Olson from Texas State University actually took a crack at finding that exact moment using the angle of the sun, the position of the boats, and the wind / weather conditions noted in the painting. The result: Impressionism began on November 13, 1872 at 7:35 AM.This is crazy stuff, but fascinating none the less. First the sleuth poured over hundreds of photos to find the exact location, which was a balcony of a hotel in La Havre. He

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Oil Over Acrylic

The more I paint the more I realize that not only is oil the right medium for me, but it’s superior to acrylic. I have a few paintings that would have been much easier to create with acrylic, mostly because of acrylic’s fast-drying quality. And believe me, there have been moments, such as the one I’m experiencing now, when I wish I would just relent and use acrylic just to get the waiting done and over with – especially since I need to have a particular painting finished before the photographer comes over late next week to take pics. But

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Art and Productivity

This has been something on my mind for some time. I wouldn’t call it a rant, or really anything new, but it is a reality and I believe an important point to share: that artists are as productive as corporate workers in spite of not being able to show anything at the end of a particular day. Thinking is Working Look, I get what you’re thinking – how is it possible that an artist is working when sitting in a café watching the world go by? There’s no way to put this on paper, but it’s true. Not only that

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