
Never Stop Loving What You Love To Do

Just let it keep filling up your wall, and your life, and your love and good things will come. The first is happiness. I can attest to that for sure. I am in love, and yet, I am still so new to the game that I know I still have a lifetime more to learn, to do, and to enjoy. Everyone has something that they love to do. Many people have something that they would love to do more if they had more time, more money, more of whatever it is they don’t have that prevents them from doing it.

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First Exhibition Success!

Two months ago I was eating at a restaurant with empty walls and thought, “I wonder if I could hang some paintings here.” We talked with the owner and he agreed. Last night was the night, and 30 friends and family joined together to help me celebrate my first exhibition. To say that it was a success is an understatement. I thought that maybe I´d sell one painting, two if I was lucky. In the end, I sold four and had two inquiries about future commissions. Not bad for a first exhibition. It may be needless, but I´m going to

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After Hanging the Paintings

Excited for my first event, I decided grab a few pics after hanging the paintings. I’m looking forward to it. Today I went back to sign a few more paintings knowing that they’d be drier than when I hung them. Later this week we’ll put up the labels, prices, information, etc.[/caption] This is my first exhibit in a restaurant, and I’m grateful for the opportunity. I’ve worked hard to get these first paintings done. I’m self-taught as an artist, so I’ve had to learn everything from scratch: from how oil mixes with the white background, to how to apply different

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Sometimes You Gotta Fly

Like so much in this world, there are a million things I don’t know anything about. I’m struggling now, and I know it will kill me the next few days until I turn it around; and then I’ll find myself melting into a pool of gold, smiling, laughing, crying, grateful, sticky. Sometimes you gotta fly. I have no expectations, and probably even fewer skills. Sometimes I wonder if I even have the drive, passion, or heart. Other times, I weep with my luck and pray for the best of times to continue. I hope, I wish, I pray, even if I

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